-- card: 15821 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2783 -- name: Sniffer -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- Sniffer -- part contents for background part 12 ----- text ----- Virus Detection Programs -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- The author of this program is unknown to me. It is not available for general distribution and seems to be unsupported. Sniffer is a simple application which can be customized to search for a given resource. Sniffer will scan for the selected resource, check for applications which have non-standard CODE 0 resources (a possible symptom of infection), and can rename files which are possibly infected. -- part contents for background part 16 ----- text ----- Version: 1.0b1